
Mimtec: Environmental Policy Statement

Mimtec Ltd is a manufacturer of thermoformed components and assemblies for a wide range of industries.

Mimtec Ltd recognises its environmental responsibilities covering the development of the products the Company manufactures, the materials they use, the way in which the products are produced, and their impact during distribution. Mimtec’s aim is to prevent pollution wherever possible.

Mimtec has been accredited to ISO 14001 since March 2010. We are committed to the continual improvement of our environmental performance.

The Environmental Policy can only be effectively implemented with the support and efforts of every member of staff. Through its internal communications programme Mimtec keeps all employees informed of environmental matters and initiatives, encouraging active involvement at all levels.

Mimtec complies with all current legislative requirements.

Objectives and Targets
The major elements of Mimtec’s Environmental Policy are clearly defined through a series of stated objectives and measurable targets which are reviewed regularly.

There is a defined management responsibility for each element of the policy. Procedures to meet the objectives and targets are subsequently agreed and are reviewed periodically to ensure their on-going effectiveness. Procedures have been established to contain and minimise the effects of any significant environmental incident.

The Key Elements
In establishing its Environmental Policy, Mimtec Ltd carried out a review of its environmental activities and impacts. This exercise has enabled the Company to identify the areas of business where improvements in its environmental performance can be made. The key areas have been identified as:


Waste: Mimtec is committed to the minimisation of waste, through the efficient use of material and the use of re-cycling wherever possible.

Energy: Through a programme of energy conservation measures, Mimtec seeks to minimise the overall direct and indirect impact from its use of energy.

Packaging: Mimtec seeks to minimise its use of packaging materials and reuse or recycle packaging whenever possible.

Emissions: Mimtec will continue to monitor and implement, where practical, developments in technology, to reduce the volume and effect of any of its emissions to air, land, water, noise and of waste streams for disposal.

Transport: Mimtec seeks to minimise the effect of the operation of company vehicles and delivery operations.

Suppliers: Environmental performance is an important factor when assessing company suppliers, who will be encouraged to develop their own environmental policies and to gain approval to ISO 14001 or appropriate standard.

Water: Mimtec monitors its water usage and actively works to reduce its water consumption.

Neighbours: Mimtec seeks to ensure that the effects of its operations on any neighbours are kept to a minimum.

Employees: Mimtec endeavours to ensure a safe working environment for employees, provides all necessary protective equipment, and communicates all relevant data to them.

Mimtec is committed to establishing partnerships with its customers, suppliers and other external stakeholders to address environmental issues.

Mark Waring
Managing Director

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